Inspirational Message

Inspirational Message

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Bible Records of Jane Cushing Hoag

My previous post was my transcription of Stephen Cushing's will. I discovered I had omitted Catharine Cushing as a child of Stephen Cushing and Rachel Foster in my PAF file. Today I pulled out the storage tote that holds the binder for the Hoag genealogy that I have compiled. Flipping through the pages of photocopies I found the copies of the Family Record pages from a Bible. My aunt sent these to me many years ago when I became interested in genealogy.  I believe she is in possession of the original. The odd thing about these pages is that there is type faced (stamped) entries along with handwritten ones. Jane Cushing was born on 18 May 1776 and according to the handwritten entry under Deaths "Jane Hoag Wife of Solomon Died June the 30.. Monday 12 o'clock at night aged 80 years one month 13 days." That would make it 31 June 1826. She and Solomon were married 9 June 1789. This entry is partially type faced (stamped) and handwritten just like most of the other entries. By the spacing, I believe the same person completed all of the entries. Perhaps there wasn't enough space to stamp the entire entry so some of the data was handwritten. Someone continued the same style after Jane's death of stamping and handwritten entries. Take a look at the Marriages page to see entries made after Jane's death. It still remains a mystery for who completed the entries into the Family Record.

The interesting thing to note is the entry in Deaths for Catharine Merritt. In my transcription of Stephen Cushing's will, I read it as Catharine Merrill. I don't know who the original owner of the Bible is. William Cushing Hoag would have had it in his possession at some point and passed it down to his son Jared, my great grandfather.

Now I will see if I can find the surname Merritt in the records of Pawling, Dutchess County, New York!

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